Welcome to the first edition of the construction update for 2025.
It's full steam ahead at the Nepean Redevelopment site for the last week of construction for the year.
Nepean Redevelopment has reached a major milestone with the second tower crane arriving onsite to support the construction of the new seven-storey building. The installation of the tower crane comes days after the first concrete slab of the new Stage 2 building was poured.
Barber Avenue roadworks are underway which means there are changes to vehicle and pedestrian access and limited street parking.
From 14 October, there will be changes to vehicle and pedestrian access along Barber Avenue to facilitate roadworks for installation of new infrastructure.
The sunny spring days have allowed our builders to make good progress onsite.
Excavation works continue at Level 0 of the new Stage 2 building, where the new kitchen, general services and "end of trip" staff facilities will be located.
The Stage 2 construction site is a hive of activity.
Bulk excavation and piling works on the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit is also well progressed with the builders expecting to pour the concrete slab in the coming weeks.
The outline of the new Stage 2 building is beginning to take shape as concrete piling works progressed onsite.
There is a flurry of activity at the site of the new Stage 2 building with the foundations of the new building starting to take shape.
The first of two tower cranes supporting the delivery of the more than $1 billion Nepean Hospital Redevelopment has been installed.
The Stage 2 site is gearing up for the installation of two tower cranes which will do all the heavy lifting during the concrete and steel structural work for the new seven-storey building. The cranes will be secured onto engineered concrete slabs in the middle of the site.
Excavation works at the footprint of the Stage 2 site is almost finished and foundation piling works are now underway.
Construction is underway on the new Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Unit. The old Sexual Health building and Nepean 2 have been recently demolished to make way for CAMHS which will provide mental health care to young people aged between 12 and 17.
Works at the footprint of the Stage 2 site are progressing nicely with the pit now filled. Construction has also started on the new Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Unit.
This construction update is a special edition dedicated to the completion of refurbishment and repurposing works.
Bulk excavations at the footprint of the Stage 2 building is progressing well. The yellow Moits machines excavators have removed masses of cylindrical concrete piles that held up the old North Block
Refurbishment works across the campus are nearing completion with refurbished areas for Allied Health Clinical spaces, Allied Health Offices and Paediatrics Outpatients Unit on Levels 3 and 4 of Building C expected to open in the coming weeks.
The builders are preparing the site, which is about the size of an Olympic Pool, for bulk excavation.
Level 6 of the P1 multi-storey car park is set to open in coming weeks with line markings now complete. Opening next month, the car park rooftop will provide more than 100 additional car spaces.
Demolition on the footprint of Stage 2 is progressing well with 90 per cent of rubble removed.
The Nepean Redevelopment project team has moved from its previous project office near the demolition area at the western side of Building D into repurposed office space on Level 2 of Building D.
Level 6 of the P1 multi-story carpark is close to completion with security screens being installed. Find out more in the latest construction update.
Major demolition works recently started on the western side of Building D (old North Block). The works are required to clear the way for construction of Tower 2.
The builders are installing the façade panels on Level 6 of the P1 multi-story car park, where the old helipad is being converted into additional car spaces.
Refurbishment of hospital areas in Building D are progressing well, with all repurposing works now complete in the southern end of the building.
Site fencing is going up around the footprint of the new Stage 2 building as demolition works continue on sections of Building D.
Demolition works are underway on the northern section of Building D (old North Block), the old Hope Cottage and Doctors Accommodation.
In the southern end of Building D, the builders have finished fitting out the reception area in the new Aged Care Rehabilitation Centre.
The P1 car park link bridge is still closed to the public to allow for demolition works.
A new temporary internal corridor will open next week on Level 2, Building E of Nepean Hospital, near the chapel for both staff and the public to use.
The footprint for the new Stage 2 building will start taking shape this month.
The new Pathology Department in Building E is starting to take shape with laboratory equipment, including the new Roche Auto-tracker, being installed.
Preparation for demolition works at the northern end of Building D (old North Block) are well underway.
Demolition works are underway in Building D (North Block) to progress Stage 2 construction.
The new Pathology Department on Level 1 of Building E is nearing completion with the installation of ceiling tiles, joinery and painting.
The builders continue to make good progress on the installation of the new external façade for Building E.
High-level services and cabling are now being installed inside the new Pathology Department, including more than 1500 data cables!
Work has commenced on the façade of Building E (East Block) where the new Pathology Department is being built.
Work has now commenced on installing Nepean Hospital's new Pathology Department’s high level services.
Our latest update provides an overview of the construction activities taking place on the Nepean Hospital campus.
Last month the project team celebrated another major milestone when they successfully completed the first "black start" test.
The new Stage 1 tower interior is starting to look like a contemporary hospital as we edge closer to construction completion.
The artwork concept by artist Nicola Moss is being installed on the walls and corridors in the Stage 1 tower.
The installation of major medical equipment is continuing on multiple floors inside the Stage 1 tower including medical gas pendants within the Operating Theatres, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department (ED).
The digital operating theatre equipment is currently being installed in the hybrid theatres.
Work has ramped up on site this week following updated health orders, and is being carefully managed in line with COVID safety requirements.
The installation of furniture, equipment and signage is now underway on all floors inside the Stage 1 tower, with the fit-out of the helipad lobby is almost complete.
The fit-out of the lobby for the roof-top helipad is underway and the first helicopter test landing is scheduled to take place in the coming weeks.
The final finishing touches continue from Level 0 to Level 3 which includes a comprehensive review and testing process.
Construction has recommenced on the 14-storey tower following a short pause.
The scaffolding is almost down with the colours and textures of the new hospital tower’s unique façade on display.
CPB has commenced installing structural steel for the permanent East link bridge which will connect the new Stage 1 tower with Nepean Hospital’s current East Block.
The final tower crane has been removed and the installation of a large-scale artwork is now underway.
The new helipad is officially complete, with CPB finishing the line marking late last week.
Despite the recent rainfall, solid progress is being made on the façade of the Stage 1 tower, with the builders aiming to have all the scaffolding removed in June.
The Level 6 lift lobby is taking shape and the internal finishes are almost complete.
The colours and textures of the new hospital tower’s façade are on full display as the final sections of scaffolding come down.
Over the Easter break, the construction site for the Stage 1 tower will be closed on Friday 2 April and will re-open on Tuesday 6 April.
More than 500 builders are currently onsite working across a dozen floors – it’s a big operation!
More of the building's unique façade will be revealed as the scaffolding continues to come down.
Fit out of the new Emergency Department (Level 0) is powering ahead, with flooring and painting almost complete and nearly all of the internal doors installed.
Our builders have finished pouring the concrete slab for Nepean Hospital’s new Ambulance Bay, which will have capacity for 10 ambulances at a time.
Waterproofing is underway in the new Birth Unit (Level 1) in preparation for the installation of the 14 birthing baths.
Construction is progressing on the tower's nine lifts that will transport staff and patients from the ground level right up to Level 14.
Large windows are being installed on the upper floors for the inpatient units to make the most of the natural light and the magnificent view!
The interior fit-out of the new tower is well underway with CPB scheduling the lower floors first and working their way up.
Final concrete works around the helipad and the lift shafts are occurring on Level 14.
We’re getting close to finishing the concrete structure of the 14-storey tower, with the final concrete pour underway for the helipad on Level 14.
The final concrete slab for Level 13 will be poured this week and the view from up there is magnificent!
The concrete slab for the entire 12th floor (approximately 3600 square metres) was poured last weekend. It took less than a week to complete - a new project record for the project!
The final concrete pour is underway for Level 11 which will be used for in-patient rooms.
The final concrete has been poured for Level 10 which will be used for in-patient rooms.
Concrete is being poured for Level 10 which will feature in-patient rooms.
Both tower cranes on site have been climbed to their final height to allow construction of the remaining floors for the tower.
Check out the June fortnightly construction updates for Stage 1 of the Nepean Redevelopment
Check out the May fortnightly construction updates for Stage 1 of the Nepean Redevelopment.
The concrete pour is underway for Level 4 which will feature the new Central Sterilising Supply Department (CSSD) and plant room.
Construction is continuing in line with COVID-19 mitigation measures that have been implemented across the site to protect the health and safety of workers.
The first of the concrete for Level 3 (Operating Theatres) has been poured and work has begun on the exterior walls for the ground level of the hospital tower.
A second tower crane will be erected this weekend (weather permitting) near the existing childcare centre.
Preparations are now underway to pour the concrete for Level 3 of the new 14-storey tower, where the Operating Suite will be located.
A second 59 metre tall tower crane will be erected onsite near the existing childcare centre to ramp up construction on the 14-storey hospital tower.
The concrete slab for the ground floor is now complete with approximately 450 cubic metres of concrete poured last week in various areas.
After a short break over the Christmas and New Year period, construction is back in full swing onsite.
Our construction workers will be taking a well-deserved break over the Christmas period, with the construction site for the 14-storey clinical tower closing from Monday 23 December, and reopening on Monday 6 January.
The planning and design process for Stage 1 is almost complete, and the majority of the 14-storey tower ground floor slab has been poured.
The main tower ground floor slab is almost complete with two major concrete pours scheduled before year end.
The layout of up to 90% of rooms in the new hospital have been decided upon by the relevant departments.