A Nepean Redevelopment consumer committee was established in 2017 to facilitate meaningful community input into the major expansion and upgrade of Nepean Hospital and community-based health services.
An overview of the consumer committee from consumer representative, Diana Aspinall
Nine consumers and local volunteers from the Penrith, Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury areas have joined the Nepean Redevelopment Consumer Committee. Consumer input is essential throughout the different redevelopment phases to ensure the new facilities meet the needs of our various communities. As one of these members, I am honoured to have been invited to contribute to the planning of the different sections of Stage 1 of the Nepean Redevelopment. Our consumer committee working group meets monthly to receive updates from the project team and to allow us to provide a consumer’s perspective on the different processes being done as part of the redevelopment. The consumer members are also able to share their consumer experiences in relation to the redevelopment planning processes and identify opportunities for changes to be explored. Our consumers represent multiple age groups, multicultural, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, aged care and disability needs, carers and parents with young children. And, we all belong to larger groups and organisations (such as Rotary or Mother’s groups) who live and work in the area that Nepean Hospital services. As individual members on the committee, we have the capacity to use these networks to share information about the redevelopment and represent the broader community needs. The committee strives for two way communication and feedback from the working group meetings is incorporated into the planning and design process. The consumer committee will continue to operate through the planning, design and construction phases to ensure the consumer perspective is always considered.
Building a hospital is a complex but rewarding process that involves input from staff, community, specialists and a range of dedicated professionals. Find out more