Meet Paula Zaballero, a first-year apprentice at Nepean Redevelopment

June 2024

In support of the NSW Government’s Hard Work Knows No Gender awareness campaign, we sat down with Paula Zaballero to find out to find out what motivated her to pursue a career in construction and what she enjoys about working on site.

Paula is a first-year Electrical Apprentice at Star Group, currently working on the redevelopment of the NSW Government’s Nepean Hospital.

paula1-(4).jpgWhat are your qualifications, Paula?

Currently completing certificate III in electrotechnology at TAFE.

How would you describe your role?

First year electrical apprentice.

What’s the most challenging part of your job?

Knowing exactly what questions to ask.

What sparked your interest in a construction career?

My immediate family all work in construction. I like that it’s hands-on and physical.

What skills and attributes do you need in your role?

You need to be a good listener, learner and observer. You also need to be switched on, and aware of everything going on around you.

What are the three things good construction employers do?

  1. Provide a level playing field in terms of pay and rights.

  2. ​Treat everyone on site equally, and encourage a sense of being mates and looking out for each other.

  3. Make Employee Assistance Programs available.

Star Group works for CPB Contractors as part of the construction of the Stage 2 Redevelopment
at Nepean Hospital.

For more information on Nepean Hospital Redevelopment, visit:

For more information on Women in Construction, visit:
